Phase 1 Reports

Phase 1 Reports

The study had five strands with a report and summary for each strand, published on 20 June 2019, second edition November 2019.

Information Sheet for Children

This gives information about each of the strands.

Permanently Progressing Research Information Sheet For Children

Audio Recording of the Information Sheet


Column one lists the strand, column two lists the final report, column three lists the summary

StrandFinal ReportSummary
PathwaysPathways Strand Final reportPathways summary
LinkageLinkage Strand Final reportLinkage summary
OutcomesOutcomes Strand Final ReportOutcomes summary
Decision MakingDecision Making Strand Final ReportDecision Making summary
Children and CarersChildren Carers and Adoptive Parents Final ReportChildren, Carers and Adoptive Parent summary

Insights for policymakers and practitioners

Column one lists the strand, column two lists the policy briefing

StrandPolicy briefing
PathwaysPathways to Permanence for children who become looked after in Scotland
LinkageLinking administrative datasets about looked after children
OutcomesChildren looked after away from home aged five and under in Scotland: experiences, pathways and outcomes
Decision MakingDecision Making for Looked After Children in Scotland 
Children and CarersPerspectives on kinship care, foster care and adoption in Scotland