Carers and adoptive parents’ questionnaire
As a core focus of the study is the experiences of children who are not living with their parents. We will survey the current caregivers of children in the sub-sample who are living with kinship carers, foster carers and adoptive parents. Some children may be living in residential care at Phase 2, and their keyworker will be sent a questionnaire.
Carers and adoptive parents’ questionnaires will collect information on children’s experiences, wellbeing and outcomes. We are interested in their health, education and social relationships, including their contact and connections with people who are important to them (including brothers, sisters, birth parents and grandparents), and their support needs.
The questionnaire is now in the final stages of development. It has been reviewed and given ethical approval from the Universities of Stirling and Lancaster, and will shortly be piloted.
Questionnaires will then be distributed in late autumn/winter 2022-23. Some will be posted/emailed direct to caregivers and some will be sent via local authorities, adoption and fostering agencies.
All carers/adoptive parents who complete a questionnaire will be asked if they are interested in participating in an interview and to provide their contact details.
Information Sheet for Caregivers
Link to information sheet and download

For more information, please email Jade at: