Interviews with Carers and Adoptive Parents
All carers and adoptive parents who complete a questionnaire have been asked for consent to contact them if they are interested in taking part in interviews and/or would consider passing on information about participation to the child.
Semi-structured interviews are now underway. These interviews explore the experiences and perspectives of carers and adoptive parents. We are asking carers and adoptive parents about changes and significant events since the last interview (if relevant) or since the child joined their family. We also ask about children’s development and progress (including health and education), children’s family and peer relationships, and how the family communicates about the past, present, and future. We also ask about children’s relationships with people important to them who they do not live with, such as birth parents, brothers and sisters, and former carers. Caregivers are being asked about what services have helped or would have helped, what support might help them and the child in the future to maximise resilience, and bolster security.
Information sheet for Carers and Adoptive Parents
For more information, please contact Maggie at: margaret.grant@stir.ac.uk